Make Games More Engaging with NFTs & Fungible Tokens
True Ownership
NFTs provide players with true ownership of their in-game items. It empowers them to exchange, gift or even sell their assets for real money.
True ownership makes the gaming experience more immersive and personal. This serves as a solid foundation for building passionate communities around your games.
NFTs make an aftermarket for in-game items possible. It increases value of those items and encourages players to spend more time in the game creating and obtaining them.
Limited Editions
NFTs make limited editions of items (like collectibles, cosmetics, and gear) more attractive and tangible, and their ownership history more transparent.
Items on blockchain can be transferred between different games by the same studio or by its partners, creating opportunities for cross-game promotions.
Fungible Tokens
Tokens represent in-game resources on the blockchain. They can be currencies like gold or gems, crafting materials like wood or iron. Or anything else you will imagine.