Integration of NFTS and tokens for engineers

Simple Blockchain Integration for Engineers

TRAIT is friendly and easy to use for game developers, thanks to a well-organized REST API, convenient infrastructure and clear documentation.
You can introduce digital assets into your game and make a huge impact fast - without any background in blockchain tech.

Intuitive & Straightforward

Game First, Blockchain Second

Unlike other blockchains, TRAIT does not impose strict limitations on UX patterns and the tech architecture of the game.


TRAIT provides all the functionality for creating and using digital assets out of the box, making it easy for you to get started right away.

Effortless Launch

Integration with TRAIT from start to finish takes just one week. And our helpful docs will guide you step by step. Focus on your game, not on mastering the next blockchain.

Conventional API

TRAIT provides a REST API. The examples in our guides are made by using console commands, curl and GUI utilities. So you no longer need to use obscure crypto spells.

Open-Source Infrastructure

Just run the necessary open-source services on your server and connect them to the monitoring utilities of your choice and you are good to go.

Convenient Security

TRAIT provides a convenient and safe way to manage the pool of transactional addresses used to interact with players. It’s both simple and secure.

Getting Started with TRAIT Is Easy

Buy TRAIT token to access blockchain features
TRAIT token Icon
Create a root address and admin addresses and set their privileges
Root and admin blockchain addresses
Create an App Agent that will help you control digital assets and perform blockchain actions
App Agent icon
Create your own in-game items and currencies as NFTs and fungible tokens
Run a blockchain node and required services on your server
Video game NFTs and fungible tokens
Server Icon
Integrate your game with TRAIT via REST API
Run the game in production
REST API integration
Learn More

Getting Started with TRAIT Is Easy

Buy TRAIT token to access blockchain features
TRAIT token Icon
Create a root address and admin addresses and set their privileges
Root and admin blockchain addresses
Create an App Agent that will help you control digital assets and perform blockchain actions
App Agent icon
Create your own in-game items and currencies as NFTs and fungible tokens
Run a blockchain node and required services on your server
Video game NFTs and fungible tokens
Server Icon
Integrate your game with TRAIT via REST API
Run the game in production
REST API integration
Learn More

A Streamlined Technology

No Parallelism

TRAIT allows to perform multiple actions within a single blockchain transaction like transfer, mint, burn and more, thus simplifying your app’s logic.

Advanced Atomic Operations

TRAIT supports atomic operations consisting of multiple actions. An error on one action in the atomic operation cancels all actions within it.

Simple Transactions

TRAIT doesn’t charge per-transaction fees. So you don't need to send native tokens to your addresses in advance to pay future blockchain fees.

Build with TRAIT Anywhere & Go Cross-Platform When Ready

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TRAIT Grow Program for Developers

Boost Your Project with TRAIT GROW

TRAIT has launched a program to stimulate ecosystem development. Apply for a quick start of your project.